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Identity Theft

Save on Identity Theft Protection


Merriam Webster defines Identity Theft as: The illegal use of someone else's personal identifying information (such as a Social Security number) in order to get money or credit. The problem of Identity Theft has become an increasing problem affecting millions of people annually. In fact, the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice recently completed a study showing how big the threat is. In 2012 over 16 million people were affected by identity theft and the cost totaled almost $25 billion. Fortunately, there are now sites that will help protect you against identity fraud. The Federal Trade Commission provides some helpful tips and the Department of Justice also has many useful articles on the subject.


One of the most important things an individual can do to protect their identity is to enroll with an identity theft protection service such as LifeLock. LifeLock is the leader in this industry and provides a 3-prong approach. They detect suspicious behavior, they alert you and in case you are a victim they help restore your identity.


Here at we provide you with the best and most up to date promotional codes available for LifeLock products. On our site you will find 5 of the best LifeLock promo codes. Using these discounts is easy, simply click on the code or copy and paste it in the enrollment form. Perhaps the only thing smarter than protecting your identity is saving money while doing it!