Your bank accounts and credit are a gold mine for identity thieves. LifeLock Ultimate Plus™ service gives you peace of mind knowing you have the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. You’ll get alerts for new bank account applications and attempts to take over existing accounts.† You’ll also enjoy the convenience of online access to annual credit reports from all three bureaus, monthly credit score tracking and priority live member support.
LifeLock Ultimate Plus protection provides these important benefits:
Checking and Savings Account Application Alerts
Continuously searches for your personal information in new bank account applications at national banks, local banks and credit unions from coast to coast.†
Bank Account Takeover Alerts
Monitors existing checking and savings accounts for unauthorized changes to personal information. Informs of changes to account contact information or attempts to add new account holders to existing accounts.†
Investment Account Activity Alerts
Review your investment account activity in one secure place. Receive alerts for cash withdrawals and balance transfers to help detect fraudulent activity. †
Credit Inquiry Activity
Issues alerts for merchant and lender inquiries being made against your credit file so you can act quickly to resolve activity if fraudulent.
Online Annual Credit Reports
Receive online access to annual credit reports from all three primary bureaus, Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Allows you to see the details of your credit history.
Online Annual Credit Scores
Receive online access to annual credit scores from all three primary bureaus - Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Better understand your credit worthiness with a list of top factors used in determining your score.
Monthly Credit Score Tracking
Monthly single-bureau credit score tracker helps you identify important changes and see how your credit is trending over time.
File-Sharing Network Searches
Actively monitors music, photo and data file-sharing networks for exposure of your personal information such as your name, Social Security number, date of birth or contact information — whether intentionally or inadvertently.
Sex Offender Registry Reports
Notifies you when sex offenders have moved into your zip code as well as compiles a report to determine if a sex offender has listed your address to avoid detection.
Priority Live Member Support 24/7/365
Get to the front of the line and speak with a U.S. based Member Services Agent who is available to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can also access your LifeLock account online at or with the LifeLock mobile app.
LifeLock Ultimate Plus protection also provides these additional benefits included in other LifeLock services:
LifeLock Identity Alert® System†
Lost Wallet Protection
Address Change Verification
Black Market Website Surveillance
Reduced Pre-Approved Credit Card Offers
Fictitious Identity Monitoring
Court Records ScanningData Breach Notification
Credit Card, Checking and Savings Account Activity Alerts†
Certified Resolution Support
$1 Million Total Service Guarantee‡
†Network does not cover all transactions.
‡The benefits under the Service Guarantee are provided under a Master Insurance Policy underwritten by State National Insurance Company. As this is only a summary please see the actual policy for applicable terms and restrictions at